The sign represents two “o” letters with a division sign in between. The double “o” forms the infinity sign, the division sign represents fractions. It is a reference to the infamous Georg Cantor’s “set theory” paper that ended up dividing the entire math science community. Both signs together form the “Ф” (phy) symbol that represents “the golden ratio”.

The task of the development team was to mark itself on the map among countless similar companies. Fractions and irrational numbers helped solve the problem. The main idea lies in the structure of the world around us, its endless recursion.

New identical companies appear every day - that's the order of things. But what if we don't want to be another number in that order? The NOOE concept is saying: “We are not the first and we wont be the last. We are irrational.”

Brand Philosophy


Spoffish Design



The Sign

Logo Design

In accordance with the approved concept, website layouts were developed, also built on the principles of the golden ratio and recursion. The distinctive features of the style guide are the absence of ideal symmetry, simple shapes and forms, self-reference.

“Never odd or even” is a palindrome, which means it reads the same way backwards as it does forwards. However, it is not perfectly symmetrical as some letters and spaces have to be rearranged to make it readable in another direction. It represents our philosophy — self-reference over unnatural perfect symmetry







Company website

A concept of a project for a group of developers who wish to develop their brand, offering unique web development solutions and a learning platform that brings young minds together, forming a community of like-minded IT professionals.